Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Exciting Atmosphere in the ER

Your senior year should be the best year of your high school career according to many people but the stress and struggle of balancing extracurricular activities and school work transformed me into a nocturnal monster who doesn't sleep! Although I love this fast-pace busy life, it does catch up to me and I feel like I am not really enjoying my last year of high school to the fullest. This doesn't mean that I don't love what I do, but I feel like I am doing too much, and I simply don't have time for myself. For the first time in a long time since school has started, I feel genuinely at peace when I went to my mentorship. The exciting atmosphere of being in the Emergency Room was simply amazing. Having the opportunity to see a mentally disabled African American male being controlled by two strong physicians so the third one could stitch up an eight centimeter wound and being able to witness another male who has fainted and collapsed from the intoxication of gas while he was fixing a car at an automobile shop are my escape from the numerous problems of a typical teenager. I also discovered many aspects of being a physician in the ER that astonished me such as the innumerable patients that come into the ER whose cases are not "emergencies" but rather minor cases that could be treated through over-the-counter medicine. Moreover, the fact that ER physicians spend most of their time in front of the computer documenting tedious paperwork rather than seeing patient shocked me. Being able to mentor in the ER has definitely open my eyes to the real life atmosphere of this profession.

Below are some pictures that I found on the internet because there are confidentiality issues when it comes to the hospital.

This picture is very similar to the beds that are in the ER rooms.

This is another good illustration of a patient that I saw while I was there. This 9 year-old girl had a very high fever who continuously cried from her sickness. I was sympathetic when I saw this.

Until next time...Bye Bye!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Mission Statement

I am a warm, loving, confident, passionate, and ambitious individual.
I embrace challenges and obstacles with a good attitude.
I will wake up every morning with an optimistic mind.
My mission is to inspire my peers and better my community through my deterministic personality.