Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Essential Question

My Essential Question:

How does Pica, a disease, intervene with patients' lives?

Q: Why did you select this as your essential question?

A:I selected this essential question because I am fascinated by food and this disease makes me ponder. People diagnosed with Pica have an insatiable urge to eat non-food substances like dirt, paper, glue and clay. Though it is believed to be linked with mineral deficiency, health experts have found no real cause and no cure for the peculiar disorder. I am very curious about how people deal with Pica's symptoms and how Pica affect their lives.

Q: What excites you most about finding the answer to this essential question?

A: What excites me most about finding the answer to this essential question is that I might help future patients who are diagnosed with this disease by helping them cope with it better.

Q: Do you feel that this question accurately reflects a desire/need that you have to find out more about this topic?

A: I feel that this question does accurately reflect a desire that I have to find out more about this topic because this peculiar disease is so mysterious and unknown to most people. Also, I know of this disease, but I have never met someone who was diagnosed with it. Hopefully, through my investigation of this essential question, I will be more knowledgeable about Pica.

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