Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Q and A

1. What part of the newspaper do you read first?

When I read a newspaper, I usually go straight for the world news section first because I simply find it most important in a newspaper. Being aware of world news makes me appreciate what we have. Also, I like to be informed and be more globally connected to other nations.

2. What are three books you’ve read in the past year?

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath (This has to be one of my favorites. I highly recommend this!)

Family Ties by Clarice Lispector

The Golden Apples by E. Welty

3. As a child, what did you do in your free time?

When I was younger, I liked to be outside and do spontaneous things such as go on “adventures to the unknown forest” with my friends and ride my bike around the neighborhood. Also, being the little child that I was, television was my addiction—shows such as The Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Powderpuff Girls, Spongebob Squarepants, and Power Rangers were some of my favorites. I also had a diary back in the days…maybe that is the reason why I blog so much nowadays. I remembered eating a lot and chasing after ice cream trucks… (good memories). I guess I was a hyperactive little kid. I also remembered a lot of dress-up moments, water fights, jumping on piles of leaves shenanigans, chasing after fireflies, and etc. Just reminiscing about my childhood makes me want to be five again.

4. What’s a goal that has been on your list for a few years?

I think the one goal that I’ve always wanted to achieve is to own a motorcycle and know how to ride it well. I guess you could say that I like to live life on the edge. I don’t know why I’m such a junkie for an adrenaline rush but there is something about riding a motorcycle that is so...out of my comfort zone. I know the dangerousness of motorcycles but I couldn’t help it!

5. What do you actually do with your free time?

This is a funny question…what free time? Haha. Being in the International Baccalaureate program consumes most of my time, especially when I have a very intensive volunteering schedule. But, when I do have some free time, I like to do what relaxes me such as reading, blogging, jogging, walk around the park, and hanging out with some awesome friends.

6. What types of activities energize you?

Any activities that make me move my body and enjoy nature such as hiking. I like to be out-door and anything that involves enjoying nature, then I get really excited!

7. What famous people intrigue you?

Gandhi, Oprah Winfrey, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, and the list goes on…

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